
Le monoski est arrivé!

18:45: phone-call from Michel at Caribou Sport.  The monoski has arrived and he’s fitted the bindings.  ”Bring a ski-boot, come pick it up.”

19:00: I am the proud owner of a Duret Free 180 monoski!

Tonight: a lack of sleep as I struggle to contain my excitement at the shiny new hardware.

Tomorrow: the madness begins!

Photos to follow…

J'ai commandé le monoski

One Duret Free 180 monoski: ordered!

It should arrive at Caribou Sport who will fit the Dynastar NX12 bindings and give me a call on Tuesday or Wednesday this week.

Je cherche un monoski...

My plan this year at Morzine was to learn how to monoski (not the “sit ski” that some people call a “monoski”).


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